
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Messages from the Angels: Guidance for Healthy Relationships

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones. Many of you are seeking support at this time to improve your relationships. You seek healthier relationships. We ask that you take a moment of reflection and see each person in your life as an opportunity to present you with lessons to help your souls journey. Teachers come in all shapes and forms. Some come with pain, some with love and some with both. Ultimately to change any situations requires personal care and attention in your own 'Self.' To feel greater love you must love yourself more. To feel respect you must respect yourself more. To feel desirable and worthy you must claim your self worth. The frequency that you emit will determine the health of your relationships. This frequency is like a wave of energy with unlimited potential. When you are in blame you are in fear. Fear doesn't change you or your situation. It only creates more fear. Chose to let go of fear now. Seek to find love for yourself as by doing so you are also falling in love with the divine within and absolutely the divine, that is your Source. Allow yourself to receive love, support and abundance knowing that you as a child of God are deserving and worthy now and always. Angel Blessings to ALL

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