
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Messages from the Angels: Time to Take Action

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones. The time is now and the moment is perfect to begin giving birth to your new ideas. The vibration on the planet is optimal to support growth, new creations and any changes that support your life and life purpose. At this time of the season of winter under the frozen ground lies the potential for new life. Imagine the sleeping flower waiting to grow, rise and be birthed. As the earth starts to thaw the flowers much like your ideas are nearing ready to bloom. This is the time to envision, the period of self reflection is nearing end. The time to take action is now. Start much needed preparation as there is no time like the present. We offer our support in every way and in all ways. Angel Blessings to ALL

Monday, February 17, 2014

Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking

Dear God and the Angels
We call upon you at this dark our in need of your help for all your children that have been effected by human trafficking. We ask at this time that you provide the wounded with your brightest light and love to help them heal on all levels mind, body and spirit. Please carry them in your arms and wrap them in your most protected wings to shelter them from any pain, suffering, isolation, separation and abandonment. Please restore them to wholeness, help them feel completely loved and repair every piece of their broken heart. God this world has aspects that are difficult to understand and do not make sense to us. But what we do know is that everything can be healed in your light and in your name. Please God give these wounded the courage and faith to believe in you and your power to heal everything. Reassure them that they are always loved and that there is a world of possibilities that does include all things beautiful. Help light the path that they walk so that they can see a world that is safe, loving, nurturing and full of miracles. Give them new eyes to witness the aspects of life that you have given us to experience that is free from all things fearful. And God please help restore their power, the power that was taken away from them leaving them at the mercy of those that chose a path of fear. And we pray also for the ones responsible. We ask you God to shed your light on them and awaken them. Let them realize that truth of who they are. Let them see that the source of their real power comes from you. And that this power is a power based in only pure love. God help them see that when they choose love everyone wins. The world can change for the better and miracles are the only consequence. I pray God that this is the world I hope to be living in. I pray that this is the world I wish for us all. I pray that each moment and every breath we take is never taken for granted but seen as only a blessing and gift from  you to always treasure.
And so it is.
Angel Blessings to ALL

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Messages from the Angels: Choose Positive Thoughts

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones you're every thought and every word is a form of prayer. Nothing is left unheard and we govern you with guidance to choose your words with love whenever you describe any aspect of your life. Whether it be about your home, career, finances and especially when describing your very own physical bodies. For not only is every word a prayer it is also having a physical effect on your bodies. Nurture yourself with kindness. Avoid negative self chatter as this is all detrimental to your physical and emotional health. Wise words that come from love will benefit you in every way. The world is full of beauty and it is yours to discover and experience. But your experience is always determined by your thoughts. Which type of life you wish to create is dependant on you. As prayers do not discriminate. Treat your life with conscious awareness at all times. Choose only positive thoughts and the world will be far more comforting. We support you always. Angel Blessings to ALL