
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Messages from the Angels: Miraculous Healing is Possible

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones all forms of miraculous healing is possible and in every aspect of your lives. Physical illness is the onset of your need of attention where you have replaced love with fear. It is merely an aspect of your life where a shadow is in need of light. Despite all emotions surrounding any illness remember always that everything is in Divine Order. Choose to see past the chaos and illusions. Focus your attention on underlying order and that everything is exactly how it is supposed to be right now. When you surrender to God and the Angels and allow us into your heart we will assist with the resolution of any disease. Dear loved ones when you impart to take care of your bodies you are claiming your divine responsibility. Every aspect of your life including the body that holds your soul is a gift from God. Treat it with love, respect and all things holly. Choose foods that supply it with life force especially those foods that your earth has supplied you. Bless each day, each moment and every breath with love. Your every thought has the potential to add or take away your life. It is your free will. We ask that you think and choose your thoughts wisely. We offer our love in all ways and every day here on earth. Angel Blessings to All

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