
Monday, December 30, 2013

Messages from the Angels: This is the Moment of Truth

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones this is the moment of truth. The truth speaks to you at all times in your life. The truth is that there is nothing you aren't capable of overcoming in your life. Every experience in your past has made you stronger. It has presented you with an opportunity to discover your power. It has also been designed to steer you to the path of the divine. Through prayer and asking us for help we are here to service your every needs. And this circumstance you call a predicament in this moment is no different. Seek to know that there is value and opportunity for growth. Negative chatter and self punishment will only impede you from knowing your truth. Choose words that nurture you during your so called crisis. In your discovery of the truth you will be reminded again that there is no crisis. Only a path to the divine. Seek at this time the intention to learn your lessons in life through joy rather then pain. All will be and is always well. Angel Blessings to ALL

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