
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Messages from the Angels: Isolation is an Illusion

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones. It is not at all possible for God to have put you on this planet only to abandon you. This feeling of isolation and perhaps loneliness is all but an illusion. You choose to see yourself as separate from God and the Angels. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are divinely guided, supported and safe at all times. Seek to feel your deepest and truest connection. Simply be still and focus on your heart centre. Allow these channels to flow by intending that they be open and receptive to the love of God. This connection is far greater then the umbilical chord that ties you to your mother during gestation. It is a love that is far greater that you can conceive with your physical minds. Let Gods light and love in. Seek his glory and all will come to you as you desire. Angel Blessings to ALL

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