
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What to Do When the World Feels Heavy

There are moments when I feel the heaviness in the world. And like everyone I too feel a sense of frustration. It can be hard to hold your light and be a leader when the frequencies seem so low on our planet. Many perceived injustices, issues of inequality, hatred, fear and war leaves many to think we've been abandoned. It's easy to get angry and want to express rage. Perhaps even take a side of situation and retaliate.
It's times like this where I have to remind myself what my role in all this is as a light worker and how I can best contribute to the greater good of all. After all that is what I came to this planet to do. That is the commitment I made. Staying true to my purpose authentically keeps me in alignment for myself and helps others that may be feeling so much fear.
My role as a light worker is not to judge the actions of others. It's not to decide who's right and who's wrong. It's not to express  anger and rage. It's not to go to any sort of war. All these are fear based energies. That only adds to the existing fear.My role is to assist by shifting consciousness to a higher frequency utilizing the tools that God has given me. My role is to use my authentic power by using words, thoughts and actions that are based in love. I still believe love is the healer of all things. Love can transform all fear.
God has given us tools on earth to help us through every situation in our lives and our worldly issues. We have Angels, prayer and God himself to turn to. Our every thought and action is either helping or taking away from the collective good of all. And so it is within us to create change starting with ourselves. This is our responsibility. Change begins with the intention to want to make a difference. Intention to be of service will support us all. Actions that are based in the emotion of love is the only way to make this happen. Each individual has the capacity to call on the divine, pray and to use higher energy thinking.
The truth is that we are not abandoned. Though there are times of injustice, hatred and all things based in fear. There always is a higher reasoning that will allow us to grow, learn our lessons and ultimately strengthen our relationship with the divine. It's up to us to trust in this process. We all have choices in every one of these situations. You don't have to be a light worker to make a difference. You just have to have the right intention.
When you set intentions from a place of love you come into alignment with your authentic power and not external power. External power is based on control and manipulation and is ego driven. Authentic power allows for us to be guided by our soul. It allows us to utilize higher energy thinking. It results only in positive outcomes for all.
If your not sure where to start you can always start with prayer. When you feel overwhelmed, heavy, and abandoned you can try reading this prayer:

Dear God and the Angels,
I am calling on you all as at this moment I feel there is heaviness in the world and in my life. We need your support to lighten our load, take away the pain, create peace and harmony in our lives. God only you know the greater picture. I trust that this process is here for us for our learning, growth and to also bring us closer to you. Help us to open our hearts and see everyone and everything with only love. Help us to make healthy choices that affect mankind in a positive way. We turn over all our problems, worries, grief and sorrow over to you. We turn to you at this dark hour with hope that your light will shine so bright that all we can see, feel and know is your guidance, and your love.
And so it is.
Angel Blessings to ALL

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