
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Messages from the Angels: This is a Period of Transition

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones we are here to offer you support at this time by informing you that there are great periods of transitions occurring at this time on your planet. There are high periods of evolution on many planes that are for the greater good of all. Note that at this time you may be overly sensitive, you may see and feel things at greater depth, perhaps in need of greater sleep because of restless energy. We assure you that this period will soon pass. It is designed for the planets growth. There are newer energies coming to your planet and as such requires some old energies to clear the way much like when you clear the clutter of your physical space. Transitional times can cause confused feelings. We ask that you spend time in nature and walk barefoot where you can literally feel the earth underneath you. This will have a calming and grounding effect. Know that you are not alone in this process. We offer our support through each and every step. Angel Blessings to ALL

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