
Friday, July 18, 2014

Messages from the Angels: Evolution of the Planet

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones. It may seem like life is moving very quickly on your planet. Your perceptions are correct. Evolution is occurring at a faster rate then any other period of time. It is important that you recognize that all your future endeavours and plans must be clear and concise or you will feel as though life is simply moving past you. Begin with grounding yourself regularly. Take care of your physical bodies and engage in healthy activities. By keeping your vessels healthy you will be better equipped to adjust to the new energies and frequencies that are descending upon you and the planet. Wake each day with gratitude and intend to make each moment count with positive intentions. Your focus must be on your mission to be of service. Look around you. There is opportunity to help your creator. Acts of kindness, helping family members and others will keep you adjunct with the higher frequencies. Decisions that are based in love will benefit you and have a rippling effect to all those around you. Stay focused on your intentions and your future will always be filled with light. And as such, as the planet evolves quickly you will be easily able to adjust to any and all changes with grace and complete ease. We the angels as your divine support are always here by your side. Angel Blessings to ALL

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