
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Messages from the Angels: The Gateway to Prosperity

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones we hear your worries and fears about not having enough prosperity in your lives. Prosperity is all yours to have if it is what you desire. Know that as we guide you toward your goals and dreams we only have that which is for your highest good in mind. Each step is guided with the intention for your growth and the betterment of your soul. Your life path is designed to lead you toward the divine. And prosperity is only that which comes as a consequence to this journey. Seek to know yourself. You're truest self. Seek to learn what is in your heart and open the gateway to learning of this truth. Rest assured that prosperity is all yours to have. Be certain that you are worthy for all the good God has to offer you. But we advise you to set your intentions to learn the greatest truth and without a doubt prosperity shall flow towards you with grace and love. Angel Blessings to AlL

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