
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Messages from the Angels: Always By Your Side

Messages from the Angels: Dear loved ones. Yes the guidance that you have asked for you have most certainly received. All guidance will leave you feeling uplifted, light and positive. It's our way of nudging you in the proper direction. Know that your prayers and wishes are all heard. We will always guide you one step at a time. For when your driving on a long journey you can only see as far as your head lights shine. Each step is a small as the view from your car. But rest assured you are being guided the entire way. Pray and ask for your ability to trust and know that we are by your side always. Surround yourself wisely with people who support your own frequency and let the ego of doubters fall to the way side. Let our subtle voices be your loudest guiding force. Angel Blessings to ALL

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