
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Prayer: "This is the End"

Dear God,
Today I declare that this is the end of all self sabatoge thoughts, actions and beliefs in all areas of my life and in all directions of my life times. Past, present and future.
I declare that I am free of fear and allowing only the light, that is YOUR light to flow through me. I release all resistance in my life and chose to be carried by and be in the flow of your grace. I flow with ease in life knowing fully that *I am the whisper on your breath. I surrender to you and let go of the need to control my life. I surrender all my fears to you. I give gratitude knowing that *I may be uncertain of my future but I do know that you are the one that holds my future in your hands.
And so it is.
*Some exerpts taken from Oprah Winfrey

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